Removing spurs.


5 Years
Mar 17, 2019
South of DFW
What is the best way to remove spurs from a cockerel?

Our roughly 8 month old cockerel is starting to grow his spurs. We only have 4 pullets (all laying) so he’s pretty rough with all of them. His spurs aren’t very long but they’re pretty wide or ‘thick’, so I’m sure they’ll grow to be pretty long. The spurs are also becoming pretty sharp.

I was considering the potato method, but it doesn’t remove the entire spur.

Do I even need to remove the entire spur?
Will the potato method still work?

I figured the potato part will ‘reduce’ the spur as far as size goes then I could just trim the ends while it’s soft.
You don't have to remove the whole thing, here guillotine nail clippers like are used for dog nails are used to remove the pointy tip only.
If he's tearing up your girls his toenails are likely the bigger issue, same process just nip the tips.:)
I don't quite follow. The potato method removes the spur's outer casing leaving an exposed meaty quick. The spur will grow back just as big. There isn't any trimming while it is soft you'd be cutting meat.
Will the potato method still work?

I figured the potato part will ‘reduce’ the spur as far as size goes then I could just trim the ends while it’s soft.

I don't quite follow. The potato method removes the spur's outer casing leaving an exposed meaty quick. The spur will grow back just as big. There isn't any trimming while it is soft you'd be cutting meat.

Oh, I guess I didn’t understand either.

I didn’t realize what was left after the casing was removed was ‘meat’. :confused:
An animal's claw, including a rooster's spur, is a fleshy live part with a hard, fingernail-like layer over it. You want to cut only the fingernail part, or it causes them pain and bleeds. I sincerely doubt the potato method is comfortable for them.

Just cut the ends off his spurs, and trim again when you see them getting sharper. You can also get something like a little rubber cork and fasten it onto the end of each one.
You don't need to cut anything. Roosters are meant to have spurs.
Take him off his perch at night. Wrap him in a towel if he won't be calm so that his spurs are visible.
Get a nail file and file the tip smooth and any rough edges along the spur.
Do the same for his toenails. You don't need to cut, just file them smooth.

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