Removing stains for showing on silkie

Do NOT use bleach! Do not use hygrogen peroxide! These will both damage feathers.

Most of the horse and dog products have bluing which makes yellowed white LOOK whiter simply by shading it blue. It is very easy to end up with a blue or purple bird!

You can use laundry stain remover--rub it in, let set awhile and rinse out. Cowboy Magic Greenspot Remover is supposed to be good. Multiple washings seem to help.

Pink works great on hard feathers, less so on soft feathers and poorly on silkie feathers. Much better choices are to add some glycerin to the rinse water, use ShowSheen or best yet use a parrot shampoo in the first place so that you don't strip out oils.
I found some of my "blue" shampoo and used it a little bit ago and it does look better.

How far in advance do you guys wash your silkies? I was told 3 days prior and I did it today and have her in a crate until this Saturday. We had snow and right now its a mud pit everywhere outside.

I have just used bluing on my white chickens with excellent results, after turning the first one blue.
I just add so very little to water before the bird is in the water and make sure it is mixed up well. It may still look a bit dirty when wet but dries white.
Yes, as she dried she looked better for sure!
Thanks for the info...
glad to know about the 3 day thing to. Last time I did it the day before and she looked sucked in on the sides.....
I wash 7-14 days before a show then again 2-3 days before the show and touchup the day of the show. I use the original blue dawn to wash and white vinegar to cut the soap suds. I use bluing on the whites, if they need it. After using bluing, the bird should have a slight blue tinge when wet, and that's what you want. When it dries, they come out white.
I've used peroxide, just a touch on the corner of the towel and then rinse...always worked fine for me (on regularly feathered chickens, not silkies, may be different)...
good luck at the show!

p.s. picturing a purple chicken...hahaha! w/ bluing a little goes a long way...

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