Rent a rooster.


Apr 5, 2023
If I wanted to breed specific hens I have, how would I go about that? I live in the city where roosters aren't allowed. I could probably get away with having one here for a week or so if I talked to my immediate neighbors and told them it was temporary so they wouldn't turn me in. But I know that sometimes it can take a while to get hens to accept any new member into their flock. Would that be enough time and are there people out there that will rent or loan out a rooster of specific breeds for that purpose or how is that normally handled? It would be a lot of work to send the hens off, they might stop laying from the stress alone and then I'd be asking someone else to specifically watch my hens all day to be able to identify their egg when they lay. Watching them to see if they are even getting or giving any attention to the rooster towards the intended goal and then taking them back as soon as they get settled in. Seems like the more natural thing is a rooster showing up out of nowhere to an established flock and in nature fighting for dominance from the rooster that was there first. So wouldn't that be how it was handled for breeding minus the cock fighting aspect?
I mean id never allow somebody to touch any of my birds let alone let them keep them for a week. Just dumb

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