Request PHOTOS of your nesting box


What are those and where did you get them?
We get so many of those stacking baskets at our dollar store! I buy them and use them for our small pocket pets as igloos if you lip them upside down. I never thought about using them for this, will do! How neat! I have so many laying around here I was just going to throw away recently.
My chickens are just 7 weeks old but I have 8 boxes for 16 hens. 4 of them you can open a door from outside coop. I built them as nest boxes. The other 4 use to be shelves in the shed that turned into coop.
What are those and where did you get them?
I got mine at Menards. But I suspect that you could get them at Walmart, or any store that carries organization and storing stuff.

We get so many of those stacking baskets at our dollar store! I buy them and use them for our small pocket pets as igloos if you lip them upside down. I never thought about using them for this, will do! How neat! I have so many laying around here I was just going to throw away recently.

I love that you can just hose them out, when they get dirty. Best part is that they come right out, pull them apart and hose them down. These will go in the run during the summer to let them lay in cooler temps, and my new boxes will be added to the outside of the coop. But in a pinch, they work very nicely, and especially if you are strapped for cash. LOL
Here are our new and can be discarded and replaced, nesting boxes before we added the padding, while we were still in the building phase of the new chicken coop. I haven't taken a recent picture since we have added the padding and finished the coop. These are long cardboard like tubes that you can find at lowes. They arent made out of cardboard (I forget what its called) husband uses them at work and you can pour wet concrete on them and they hold strong, but are cheap enough that once they get really dirty, you just toss them out and replace them. These four were made from one piece and we cut it into fours. I will be adding more of these as my baby hens start to go out to the coop, but as for right now, my current big hens are loving them and Ive yet to have them get too messy since they pretty much take good care of their nesting boxes. When I got my new hens, they didn't even stop laying for a day or two...guess they felt comfortable in this new setting.


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