Rescue Horses- Lie to a deployed Marine to make a quick $$

Sad though it is, and pathetic that there are people out there with so little integrity... this is a very old and probably still quite common scam.

"I need a pony for my kid, who will love him and pet him and take care of him forever", or sometimes even taking a kid along to see the horse (now THAT, I think, is really awful, dragging kids into scams like this). Get the horse cheap or free. Sell for meat. Lather rinse repeat.

It just doesn't generally make the news, is all.

That is why I like the fug blog. A bunch of little people together can make a huge difference, at least to one horse. Look at my blog, we saved two right there. And we are just everyday people, like you.

Educate one by one.
Wish I never clicked on that link.
Someone once got on me for posting a news link saying that she came here to talk chickens, not to hear about the news.
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She may not sell them for slaughter but she may rent them out for a small fee. No joke. There sre some sick people living in this world, of course there always have been.

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