Rescued a goose and some questions

Got a couple of pictures of moonscape (his/her name) in the yard.

What's going on over there??


It REALLY looks more fun over there!!!


This pond thing is pretty cool!!


Moonscape sees the vet on Wednesday, she has informed me that it won't be the highlight of her week.
Got a couple of pictures of moonscape (his/her name) in the yard.

What's going on over there??

It REALLY looks more fun over there!!!

This pond thing is pretty cool!!

Moonscape sees the vet on Wednesday, she has informed me that it won't be the highlight of her week.
So pretty, I bet she'll be glad to get out and meet her new flock. I hope everything checks out great at the vet.
Alright! We are back from the vet with some news. The vet is not sure about the sex so we are going with a girl because we can :D.

The wing is broken or extremely dislocated but there isn't anything that can be done. It doesn't bother her so the vet said to let it go. There is a chance that it will get worse and if that happens he said would have to amputate :(

But other than that, moonscape is a healthy young goose!!

The supervised visit with the ducks was anticlimactic. They are a little nervous and standoffish, but as long as she doesn't run, and BOY can she run, they don't seem to mind her and vice versa. They quacked and honked and then settled on duck hill and then fell asleep with her new friends.


Feeding time had no issues either

Sounds like about as good as can be expected. No surprise about the break. Hopefully it will continue not to bother her. Love seeing her with the ducks like that. All the pictures really say girl to me. Either way looks like Moonscape looks to be getting along well with the ducks and even making friends. Thanks for letting us know!
@revans2003 that is great news she and ducks have hit it off so well. I'm sure she is in goose /duck heaven having some pals to hang with. Hopefully the wing will not cause her any problems. I am so glad you gave her a new start.
Kudos to you for rescuing this goose. It is an African/Toulouse cross, I have a few myself so the breed is easily recognizable to me. Regarding gender, I'd go with gander based on the upright stance. But you should know its gender soon enough since it is laying season. As for the wing, if it is an old injury then it should be no big deal to leave alone. Glad to see he has some ducks for friends.
Thanks everyone for the feedback and support. I'm glad I finally know what breed she is. Tonight I found a destroyed soft shell egg near where she hangs out and it seems bigger than my pekin eggs but it was fairly trashed. It's either moonscape or my adolescent khaki (cocoa puff) beginning to lay. I am very excited as the prospect of goose eggs, but we will see what happens over the next few days.

In other news we had some workers fixing some roof leaks on the house and moon was NOT pleased with this at all and kept honking at them until I put her inside for a bit. She will be a great coyote alarm even though everyone is locked up at night.

The big pond sprung a leak so a larger pond is going in that will accommodate everyone's waddle and wingspan. I JUST perfected the filter system too, like yesterday....GAH!!
Kudos to you for rescuing this goose.  It is an African/Toulouse cross, I have a few myself so the breed is easily recognizable to me.  Regarding gender, I'd go with gander based on the upright stance. But you should know its gender soon enough since it is laying season.  As for the wing, if it is an old injury then it should be no big deal to leave alone.  Glad to see he has some ducks for friends.

Can you tell me anything about this cross? Any unique characteristics or is it just random based on the genetic mix? Are they friendly, noisy (comparatively speaking for a goose) outgoing?

It looks like a goose (not a gander) to me, and you could take it to the vet if you are willing to see about its wing. Geese can run with your ducks, though it would most likely be happier with a mate. Listen to its voice, if it is low like a motor boat and not too loud, then IT is a SHE. If it's high and shrill, then it's a he. You can then search for the opposite schedules for it. If you do this and don't want goslings, you'll have to remove the eggs in the springtime. Just make sure they have enough room and a good pond or bath that stays fairly clean to preen in. Until her wing gets better it is good to have her sectioned off. Make sure there are no obstacles she could hurt herself on in there. Angel wing happens during birth. The wing could have just been broken. A vet will know for sure however, and you can get advice from them, as well as treatment options, and research about caring for geese with these problems. She should do fine around ducks.

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