Rescued a hen this evening- what to look for-


13 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Traverse City, MI
Hi, I live in a rural area, but my flock is visible from the road so I am the local “chicken lady”...
My neighbors have been seeing 3 roaming chickens in their yard for a few days .. finally was down to just one - so they called me and I rescued it.
My son and husband used a net to drag the hen out from under a deck. They put her in a dog crate and I put the crate in a warm room with water and food and shavings for the night.
What should I look for in the morning? What supplements or meds should I give? I will quarantine her for a while of course.
I have never had this situation before. Thank you for any advice
Those pics are from the neighbors. I did not remove her from the crate to see her up close this evening. I will handle her in the morning.
I just want to know what to look for as I examine her. Maybe what to give her to help her. I imagine she has been chased to death and is exhausted...
30 day quarantine. Treat for mites, get a fecal done, check for unusual breathing, any white vent drainage(would mean yeast, treatable) - hold antibiotics if you notice respiratory till you check for yeast. Check her crop in the morning, to make sure she can process food

send a fecal here to check for worms - $10 and shipping they email results

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