Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

Yes, they do tend to like company. Actually my old cat was a great chicken babysitter. He would sit by the cage all day long while I was at work. NO, not licking his lips, he just liked watching her.

Once she got bigger, my dogs got involved, and she LOVED them. in the summer we would take her out in the yard with us.
This is her sleeping on one of the dogs.

And where she felt the most comfortable, outside in the garage with the dogs.

Chickens are VERY interactive pets. Clara was an "indoor chicken" we just recently lost her to gout.

I have 2 welsummer bantam chicks on the way next week. WOO HOO. It sucks looking at an empty cage.

Have fun with your chicken. They are sooooo cute especially at that age.

I love your story
Leave it to one of those nurse types to fix up an injured baby. I love you for it!! As a nurse now if you bring home everything you fix and get healthy you going to have a full house LOL
good for you. I saw it mentioned but 1 is a lonely number for sure you may consider spring $4 at you local Farm suppy and get another 3 or 4 week old chic to keep your baby company at night and to have a friend

Those pictures are so cute, Mud. I'm really sorry for you loss
I hope things look up for you when you get your bantam chicks!

And I'm seriously contemplating hitting up the local farm supply this weekend, Steve. You guys are going to make me have a whole chicken family by next week
. And she needs a friend to grow up with other than just me... although I do like being her friend, too

About the noises she makes, she'll do this little purr sound that just melts my heart every time she does it. Anyone know what this means?
Yeah, the purring is nice, it's the smoke alarm sound when you leave that makes you feel bad. I agree, they need a full time friend. Mine had a few cats and 5 dogs and was housed next to a guinea pig. So she always had "someone" around. The one day we decided to move the guinea pig so we could expand her house, she about had a FIT. pacing back and forth squaking. We had to put piglet back next to her so she could see her, so she would finally settle back down.

let's face it, having a full grown chicken in your pocket is just NOT going to work.;-) you'll definitly need to find her some kind of companion.

For cages, I actually made mine out of shelving.

They are 15" squares, I used cable ties to connect them
Then used corrugated plastic for the base. Simple to work with, VERY easy to clean.

I got my idea from the guinea pig pages:

My cage is 2' wide by 8' long.
And so begins another "chicken lover"
Thanks for the ideas! I want to make a setup kind of like that. Right now I have her in a medium-sized kennel filled with sand that I used for my dachshund when she was younger, but during the day she free roams my room. Speaking of the dachshund, I think she's afraid of my new little fluffy butt. After my chick got a good charge and a peck off the dachshund keeps to herself
I have a feisty little girl on my hands.
I have another question for you guys. When I get her a friend it should be another female, right? And when I introduce them, do I just hand it over to her or do I let them free range closely for awhile?
So cute! You have found a good friend. I may be wrong, but he/she looks younger than three weeks old to me. Be careful with who (or how many) you get for company may find yourself an unintentional flock-keeper!
If & when you get your chickie a little friend, you should be able to just introduce them. Chicks have a strong flock instinct and generally hang together. I'd also make sure that until she's got her feathers (as opposed to chick fluff) you make sure she has access to warmth, like a light. They find that very comforting & it's good for their growth. As for chicken diapers, if you hunt for "hen saddle" on eBay there's a woman who sells hen saddles/aprons, as well as chicken diapers, which she custom makes. You may want to check out her listings.

Your story is adorable. Good job on saving that sweet chick! And welcome to BYC.
That baby is so cute! What a great story. I agree with many of the other posters, definitely get a couple companions for your chick. They will entertain each other (and you!), but that way she will not be so demanding of all your attention if she has her own flock. Congratulations on a successful rescue.

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