Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

yes the feathers will grow back and wow that is a great story! and that chick is so cute!
What a cute story. Do you live somewhere you can keep her? In my area there are zoning laws restricting chickens on smaller lots.
I'm so sorry about Elinette

Her short time here was so much better than many poor little peeps get to experience.

Don't let the turkeys at the feed store get you down! Seems like the number of INsensitive people are on the rise, unfortunately
Thank you guys. I really miss Elinette. I never knew how much I loved chickens until one fell in my lap you know? So the first one for me to lose has been tough on me.

For the sake of something positive, guess what? When I woke up this morning I caught Floyd eating a bit of his chick feed! It didn't last for long but at least he ate some by itself instead of in the yogurt. I'm keeping organic plain yogurt mixed with a little of their feed out for them 24/7. It was the first time in a couple days I'd seen him eat like he was starving (which he is). I was so happy to see him eating something other than bugs! I really hope he starts putting meat back on those bones
He's such a skinny guy. I can literally feel all the bones in his body. I'm surprised he can even move, BUT today is the happiest I've seen him in a few days. He was even making his purring noises and chirping. So he's doing better, but he has a long way to go to get healthy. Will that yogurt help fatten him up? It's not low fat. It's whole milk yogurt.

Did I mention he's sitting down now instead of standing still with his head tucked or drooping? Yep, that's right. He sits down with his wings out and his head perked up looking around! Right now, he's sitting down now messing with his feathers! He walks around more, too! Calissa, like she's typically been doing, has tumped the food cup and is sitting down with her face in it just eating away like the fatty she is.

Here's a video of Floyd looking excited and happy while finding some worms! Excuse the commentary, I literally have a very unhealthy phobia of worms. He was finding meal worms and then he discovered this nasty neon green grub worm or something. I tried to google it to if it was safe for him to eat (even thought it was too late) and I just couldn't take it.
I'm pretty sure my friends would be shocked if they knew I was digging up worms for a chicken

Oh trust me, there's no law against it here and we have quite a bit of land anyway. I don't even think the local authorities know this road exists. I never see any cops coming down it.
YOU GUYS!!! I think I know what's wrong with Floyd! He JUST pooped a bloody one (still dark, coagulated blood, not shiny and fresh) and there was a NASTY long white worm in it! The thing was moving too and
. I need to worm him don't I? What kind of worm is this? What kind of wormer do I use? Where can I get it? It's almost 6 here. Could this be why he's lost so much weight and came so close to death? NOW I'm panicking.
Use wazine first, then follow up with it in about 2 weeks with safeguard or ivermectin. The wazine will kill the adult roundworms, and is gentler. The other wormers will kill everything.
Yes that nasty evil thing looked just like a roundworm! Calling around to see who has it. Thanks for the quick response Julie!

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