Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

Back from the dead! I hope you all are doing awesome
I've still been poking around BYC but haven't really had the time to post OR make a coop!!! But I did make them a huge 5ftx4ft area box so they have enough room to hang out during the day before I can come home and give them some outside time. I feel so bad for them, finding a mom who is a nursing major. Anyway, they seem to be doing well! Growing quickly, wasting food, drinking well, and being happy.

I'm still learning every day about my babies, and the stuff I can't find online, y'all know right off the top of your head. It's so impressive. Anyway, Floyd and Calissa have been sneezing occasionally. Floyd has been doing it a lot longer and I can hear him breathe when I'm holding him? Not like wheezing or anything. I've only ever seen him with a runny nose once and that was when he was playing outside and it was a little chilly. I pulled out my stethoscope and checked his lungs for any abnormal sounds. Everything sounds good. Healthy, strong heart too

Here's a picture though because I was also wondering about the coloring around his eyes. Are they supposed to be pinkish rings around his eyes and ears?

Yes, this is my boy I rescued from a cat! I can't believe he's growing up
Everything look normal?

OH and by the way, he's crowing. I've yet to get it on video, but he'll crow when I get home from school and when I wake up in the morning. It melts my heart :p
Handsome boy! The pink is just his hormones coming in. He's going to change so much in the next few months. Keep the pics coming!
Thanks Pharm! I'm glad you found sweet little Nando a good home
Been staying up to date with him

And I realized how long it REALLY has been. So you guys definitely deserve to see some better pics!


Look at her little puffs
She is SO SWEET. By far a LOT sweeter than Floyd.


Full body pic! How's he looking? I think he looks a little on the skinny side, but I'm really unsure. It's a picture from above anyway. We all know those make us look thinner
They both look fantastic. You have done such a fantastic job taking care of them. They are so blessed to have you as their mom.
I would SO buy that. It's really cheap and would fit perfectly in their area, but unfortunately by the time that I got down there to get it I'd have spent $100 in gas. I'm about an hour north of Birmingham. I'm going to check craig's list again to see if there's anything new up. Thanks Pharm

And Townhouse, I think he's a Buff Orpington mix of some sort. And thank you, Terril
I think I'm just going to pick a perfect small coop from the coops section since the boyfriend said he would get me all the materials to build it. I know, my face when he said that was like
I found this which is very cheap but I'm afraid it would be too small. And I will have to add about 4 more hens for my cocky rooster.

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