Rescued Rooster in shopping center


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 16, 2010
West Palm Beach Florida
I hope I have the right forum, my story is I found a skinny dehydrated rooster that someone dumped off in a parking lot for 2 weeks the security guard told me that had not had any water or food, I live in FLA and the weather has been very hot, me and my son spotted him so brought him a ear of corn, water, and some chicken food, later that night we went back to fetch him which took us about 2 hours, but we did it, I have him in a nice cage that he can walk around in, plenty of water and feed. Of course he is very neverous, and I have kept him as comfortable as I can., after all that my question is I have HENS never had a rooster, I have him in my garage quartine, I need to know if there are any signs I need to look for as in disease, infentions, thank goodness he has not did the cockadottle doo thing because cant have any chickens where I live. I will keep him as long as I can to get him back to health again, and a little bit healthier any suggestions out there.
Watch for sores, dropping feathers, bloody poop, runny eyes & nose, any vent discharge. Keep feeding him well & offering plenty of water. You can reduce the urge to crow by keeping it fairly dark in the garage. If he starts, you could put a blanket over the cage to help him hush up.
Do try to let him out for exercise though, even if it is to run around the garage or outdoors in the early evening if your girls are penned up. You did right by saving him.

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