Rescuing one duck


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
Cypress Inn, TN
Well I am going to rescue a lone duck from my sister. She has had her entire flock of ducks and most of her chickens taken by a fox. She's got one girl left so I offered to take her & add her to my 6. I'm going to pick her up at night. Do I put her in the duck house or somewhere else. How do I introduce them? Are ducks like chickens, will they be mean to her?
They will go through the pecking order but I wouldn't put her in with them right off. slowly over a period of at least a week keep them side by side with some kind of temp fencing so they can't gang up on her. After about 3 days let them all out together for treats. peas or mealworms work well stay close by though so you can intervene if they gang up. If you do it this way most likely they will accept her as one of their own instead of seeing her as an outsider. Let us know how it goes.

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