Respiratory Infection?


Mar 23, 2020
I am pretty sure my chickens have a respiratory infection going on. They are making like a gargling noise and every once in awhile catch one sneezing. Our livestock vet doesn't deal with chickens. I already called. So what can I treat with? I did pick up some Vetrx from TSC. will this work? or anything else I can get over the counter for them? I have 1 rosster and 3 hens living in the barn. and all but 1 hen have this. all my other chickens, ducks and geese seem fine.
I have never used Vetrx, but it is made for respiratory problems. Follow the directions as precisely as possible and let us know how it works.
Since only the chickens in the barn are ill, try moving them out of the barn, but still isolated from the other stock. It is possible that there is something in the barn causing these symptoms.

I use Medion therapy for poultry; bought off Ebay. I have had good results with it.

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