Respiratory issues?


May 3, 2019
ok so my other post was no help. So I have 13 birds, 9 hens and 4 roos. On Monday night I had 1 girl sneezing and sounding a little gurgley. Now I have 1 roo and 3 hens sounding gurgley. The boys are kept separate from the girls.
There isn't any behavior change. They are just sneezing periodically and sounding gurgly when they cluck, sometimes when they breathe. There isn't any discharge from eyes or nose, they don't have any swelling either. So I have no idea what this is. My best guess is IB. But it basically just seems like they have a cold.
Any help would appreciated. I dont like seeing my poor chooks all congested up.
If you chickens have infectious bronchitis, it is a virus that can run though a flock quickly, causing sneezing, congestion, and sometimes thin or wrinkled egg shells and watery albumen. There is no treatment for it, but the disease may last about a month. They may need some extra warmth during that time. Survivors can be carriers for 5 months up to a year. If you notice any watery/foamy eye, swollen eye, then it might be MG (mycoplasma gallisepticum) instead of IB. MG symptoms can be treated with Tylan (tylosin) which is available at Testing is the best way to find out, or if you lose one, get a necropsy. Here is a list of common diseases including MG and IB where you can compare symptoms:

You can continue to add to the same thread about your hens, instead of starting a new one each day. Others can give advice, if the same people do not see it. It can keep people from having to read all 3 threads to know what advice has already been given.
If you chickens have infectious bronchitis, it is a virus that can run though a flock quickly, causing sneezing, congestion, and sometimes thin or wrinkled egg shells and watery albumen. There is no treatment for it, but the disease may last about a month. They may need some extra warmth during that time. Survivors can be carriers for 5 months up to a year. If you notice any watery/foamy eye, swollen eye, then it might be MG (mycoplasma gallisepticum) instead of IB. MG symptoms can be treated with Tylan (tylosin) which is available at Testing is the best way to find out, or if you lose one, get a necropsy. Here is a list of common diseases including MG and IB where you can compare symptoms:

You can continue to add to the same thread about your hens, instead of starting a new one each day. Others can give advice, if the same people do not see it. It can keep people from having to read all 3 threads to know what advice has already been given.
I had one with a foamy eye this morning but isn't one of the sick ones. It seemed more like it had been pecked or gotten mud into it. None of the others have that.
I started a new thread because the egg seems to be unrelated and I do not want focus on the misshapen egg when then primary concern is the respiratory issues.
Seems like the original girl is doing much better today. Was not gurgling at all and was much more vocal. However it seems like all of the others have it now.
I got something called VetRx. Is this something that could help them?
Vet Rx is a mixture of herbal oils and camphor. There is nothing in it that would treat a respiratory infection. It is similar to Vicks, but it will do no harm. The Tylosin powder could be helpful if you are dealing with MG. Here is where it is available:
Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water. Only add water to the powder to mix.
Vet Rx is a mixture of herbal oils and camphor. There is nothing in it that would treat a respiratory infection. It is similar to Vicks, but it will do no harm. The Tylosin powder could be helpful if you are dealing with MG. Here is where it is available:
Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water. Only add water to the powder to mix.
Is the best telltale factor for MG the swollen and foamy eyes? Because I'm not seeing any of that. Does the Tylosin have any negative side effects? Or would it be beneficial to just treat them anyways
Yes the bubbles in eyes or a swollen eye is more indepicative of MG (mycoplasma.) But mild cases of MG can look like infectious bronchitis, which causes sneezing, congestion, clear nasal drainage, and watery eyes. Tylosin will treat MG, but IB is a virus that has to run it’s course over about a month. The Tylosin in an antibiotic, and is safe to use.
Almost all of the affected birds seemed to have recovered. My Delaware hen is several days in and she doesn't seem to have the respiratory issues so much anymore but is very lethargic. She hardly moves. She'll eat treats and some grass. Just saw her standing then drop down pretty fast.


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