Respiratory outbreak cured with vitamin C


7 Years
Apr 25, 2012
Marietta South Carolina
I recently had an outbreak of respiratory infection that affected my entire flock.

They were all very sick with thick mucous discharge, severe lethargy, wheezing, and coughing. Also the discharge had a very bad odor. The roosters where unable to crow.

I researched remedies and posted on one of the threads for ideas of how to treat my chicken family.
In the end I decided to try the natural approach because the antibiotics that are available seemed to be a little dangerous if not given right.

The natural approach worked great!! So I want to share it with everyone.

This is what I did:
Crushed ( 7) 1000 mg vitamin c tablets.(one for each chicken) added two to three tablespoons of cinnamon to the powder and mixed it in chick starter. I put the mixture in their food pan. I also added electrolytes to their water.
Their symptoms improved the 1st day and I continued the above regimen for one week. Every one recovered fully!

I have to add that after the 1st dose of my mixture all of the chickens where acting normally by the end of the 1st day! The roosters were even crowing normally again. The congestion and mild sneezing or coughing continued for 3 or 4 days however the congestion no longer had an odor and was mainly clear discharge. After the 5th day all symptoms seemed to be gone but I continued the treatment for 3 more days just to make sure.

If anyone else has used this method to treat illness please let me know.
I am curious to see if it was just a fluke or if it is a great home remedy.
Good job and many thanks for sharing!
Vitamin and electrolytes can give the immune system a boost, so they're important for chickens' healthy..
Actually, a lot of chicken diseases are caused(directly or indirectly) by nutritional deficiencies. IMHO.
True respitory illnesses are not cured, only the secondary conditions are treated. They remain carriers long after the symptoms have resided. I'm glad your chickens are feeling better, but if it was a respitory illness, be prepared for it to pop up again at some time.
Thank you SO much for that great information!! Have been having the sane type of sickness and have been trying EVERYTHING but none ever got rid of it completely... Will start doing this. Would it be OK to put the vitamin and Cinnamon in the water instead if food? Thanks for the great tip!
Referring to the dosage- did you give them enough food with the vitamins for one day or for two days? So 1,000 mg of vitamin C per chicken per day or 500 mg per chicken per day? THANKS!!!
I once used the following remedy for my chicken who had slimy saliva dripping from her mouth and seemed very sick (just quiet in a corner, not eating or drinking):

1/2 inch ginger finely chopped + 2 pinches of black pepper in warm water. She drank this soup a lot. Also gave her some wheat dough with some chopped up garlic and onions to eat. Gave her a warm sand bath (~40 degrees celsius) with a cup of salt added to the sand and then kept her in a warm ventilated area. She showed immediate signs of relief as she was eating and drinking again. She laid an egg or two with no shells but was was fully recovered within 48 hours.

hope this helps to anyone who faces these conditions.
Did it work for anyone else? I'm trying this now and also what is the ratio of the powder in the food? Mine are about 2-4 months old. Thanks

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