RESULTS: COOLEST, most unique bantam cross ENDED

I have a Crele OEG bantam rooster breeding 2 Barred Rock bantam hens, and a Buff Faverolles bantam hen. Can't wait to see what hatches out. Will post pics after hatched.
This is Nate (RIP) , he is an unknown mix or very inbred old english game i'm not sure. i bought him from someone when he was about 3 weeks old. the lady said he was a new hampsire red but he obviously didn't turn out to be one. the lady supposedly got him from McMurry.


I know this post is old but I like looking at pics. I imagine thus is what would happen if my buff i lo ace polish loved my Rhode Island Red

cross between salmon favorelle bantam hen and porcelain d'uccle rooster


cross between a white japanese bantam and a black or lavender bantam cochin
Hi I know this is from years ago lol, but is the rooster the one that is the mix? I believe I have a chick that is a Japanese bantam and Cochin bantam (black) cross, it’s about a month old I’m thinking it’s a rooster. I’m just interested to know if this is what it will look like

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