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What would work better is a feed station that the chicks can enter, but the hens can't follow. Then they can eat in peace when they want. Just a pallet up on low bricks, can work fine, drop the feed towards the middle, and the big girls can't get it. Or just a box with slats about 3 inches apart - anything that a chick can get through but a hen cannot.

However, I have never needed this with broody raised chicks.

I also set a board up on the roost. My broody hens will coax their chicks up there, and they can roost, and be next to their mamma too.

Mrs K
What would work better is a feed station that the chicks can enter, but the hens can't follow. Then they can eat in peace when they want. Just a pallet up on low bricks, can work fine, drop the feed towards the middle, and the big girls can't get it. Or just a box with slats about 3 inches apart - anything that a chick can get through but a hen cannot.

However, I have never needed this with broody raised chicks.

I also set a board up on the roost. My broody hens will coax their chicks up there, and they can roost, and be next to their mamma too.

Mrs K
Those are wonderful ideas that I can make happen in the morning. A pallet on low bricks for a creep feeder!
The board on the roost I will work on that next. Thank you. I am so relieved that I can help them. They better love me when they grow up. 😄

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