Rhode Island Red help

RIR comb up pretty early but that tail is throwing me off. How many other roosters do you have?
One other potential roo - it’s the same age as this RIR. If this one ends up as a roo it’s not the end of the world but I’m hoping for a hen!!
I've got a dozen RIRs and I'd be making room in the freezer for that one. 99% sure he's a rooster.

The hen's tails are more squared off.
The tail is throwing me off too. I feel like it’s usually pretty obvious if it’s a hen or roo by now but this one is right in the middle.

My RIR at 11(ish) weeks... Comb and wattles noticeably larger and colored compared to the 5 RIR hens that hatched with him. Some of the hens had the few dark tail feathers at this age, although not as long as yours. Darker feathering on him vs the hens.
My vote is pullet but following to see!!
View attachment 3502758
My RIR at 11(ish) weeks... Comb and wattles noticeably larger and colored compared to the 5 RIR hens that hatched with him. Some of the hens had the few dark tail feathers at this age, although not as long as yours. Darker feathering on him vs the hens.
My vote is pullet but following to see!!
Yeah that's what I'm saying. The difference between comb and wattles on that bird at 11 weeks is obvious.

To me, OPs bird looks like a pullet with a leghorn tail lol but I'm sure @The Moonshiner would rip me a new one for saying that! Lol :oops:
Hi all! First time with this breed so I have nothing to compare to. Of course…purchased as a female but we all know how accurate that is. Lol S/he is about 10 weeks old. Slightly larger than the other chicks of the same age but again, it’s the only RIR so I dunno. No crowing, no typical little roo behavior that I’ve noticed but those dark, longer tail feathers are making me nervous.
Could be a hen that is taking part as the roo? Idk had some hens with wierd feathers like that

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