Rhode Island Red in mixed flock?


8 Years
Feb 14, 2015
I am getting my first mixed flock of 5 shortly and am going to get a Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Barred Rock, White Rock, and I'm debating between New Hampshire Red and Rhode Island Red
i know that RIR's are better layers and I really want them but my flock is going to be very docile. I hear RIR's can be aggressive in mixed flocks and bossy. If I get just one RIR will it be ok with the others? These are
Coming from chickensforbackyards.com. Please help! Are New Hampshire Reds better?!
Both hatchery grade RIRs and hatchery grade NHs can be aggressive. I would personally go with a Black Sex Link (Black Star) instead which are friendly and hardy birds that will outlay either the RIR or the NH.
Both hatchery grade RIRs and hatchery grade NHs can be aggressive. I would personally go with a Black Sex Link (Black Star) instead which are friendly and hardy birds that will outlay either the RIR or the NH.
Well they don't carry those
Hatcheries do not have true "heritage" birds anyway, so don't let that limit you. Sure, the breed name is the same, but hatcheries concentrate on production and not the breed's APA Standard of Perfection. You would need to locate a private breeder for true "heritage" stock.

As for the supposed short lifespan of sex links, I had 2 of 3 black sex links live to 10. They would have lived longer if it hadn't been for the coyotes.
Hatcheries do not have true "heritage" birds anyway, so don't let that limit you. Sure, the breed name is the same, but hatcheries concentrate on production and not the breed's APA Standard of Perfection. You would need to locate a private breeder for true "heritage" stock.

As for the supposed short lifespan of sex links, I had 2 of 3 black sex links live to 10. They would have lived longer if it hadn't been for the coyotes.
When do they stop laying?

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