Rhode Island Red Large Lump - Cancer?


5 Years
Jan 17, 2016
Rancho Cucamonga
Hi, I have an 18 month RIR who has developed a large (orange size) lump between her head and her breast. The feathers have gone away and the lump is soft to the touch, and appear to be painless to the bird. I have one opinion that this is a cancerous lump and could (or should) be removed. The bird continues with normal activities and energy, including lay one egg two our of three days.
Anyone every encountered such a thing. Should any action be taken. Thanks in advance for any advise.

Hope your girl will be ok. Please do check out the links you've been given. Best of luck!
Hi there!
Welcome to BYC and thanks for joining our flock!
This video should help you find your way around, enjoy!
Is it possible you are noticing her "crop" instead of a tumor. Does it get hard & full after a day of eating and then smaller and softer in the morning? If you post - a picture we could probably tell just by the position of the lump and your answers to the above questions, if it is a full crop.

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