Rhode Island Red or production red ?


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2015
I was told by the feed store the chickens are Rhode Island Reds and then one lady said they were a production red . What do you think they have black in the tail area
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With the lack of lustrous black feathers in the tail and the lack of a really deep body, you have a Production Red but because of its dark color, it was likely marketed by the hatchery as a RIR. Technically speaking, there is typically little or no difference between Production Reds and hatchery quality RIRs and NHs as hatcheries are usually more concerned with egg production than they are with maintaining SOP standards. Those red gene birds that are of a darker shade of red (closer to mahogany) are usually marketed as RIRs, those that are of a lighter shade of red (closer to chestnut) are usually marketed as NHs, and those that are somewhere down the middle or of a very uneven shade are marketed as Production Reds. Because of their darker red shades, your birds were likely marketed as RIRs rather than PRs, but either way they should be excellent layers. :eek:)
Thank you for the help . They are 5 months old . When do they normally start laying ?
Here is another picture of them . Having fun with the corn . This is a better picture

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