Rhode Island Red sex


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 4, 2012
My Rhode Island Reds are 11 weeks old now and I have one who has developed faster than the rest. Any idea if she is a he?

I believe that those are New Hampshires not Rhode Island Reds..... Sorry I'm gonna say it's a pullet though.
I believe that those are New Hampshires not Rhode Island Reds..... Sorry I'm gonna say it's a pullet though.
Well, I bought Rhode Island Reds from the hatchery and they were all supposed to be pullets. In any case we are having a lot of fun with our girls and possibly boy.


I'm leaning toward saying rooster, but I also agree that it looks like a NHR, not a RIR. I have 3 NHR and it looks just like mine, the black on the tailfeathers, not that deep rusty color of the RIR...

The lighter one is not a RIR like the others. Not sure of the sex, could be a boy since wattles and comb are red at 11 weeks, but my hens did this.

Look at my 5-6 week salmon Faverolle pullet.

My RIR pullet at 8 weeks

Most my flock had nice red combs very early.
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hmmm....I have 2 RIR's and their coloring is different from your pretty birds....more maroon and a deeper red in their feathers. Mine are 15 weeks old and their wattles and combs are turning red.....could be they are maturing or the hot weather........:) ~Beulah
Hatchery RIR's can look pretty different since they generally aren't heritage RIRs. You'll get some that are ligher and some that darker colored because they are bred for egg production, not color.
Yes, I see what you mean. I will call the hatchery as the claim was I bought pure bred Rhode Island Reds. Two of them (including the one in the photo) are of lighter color than the rest.

In any case they are a lot of fun and we are really only raising them as pets. Eggs are a bonus.

The reason I went with RIR's was for their ability to survive the horrible winter than insists on happening every year.

Thanks for all the feedback!


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