Rhode Island Reds/Americana Club!


6 Years
May 17, 2013
Somewhere beyond the Rainbow...
I love RIRS and Americans, and I wanted to share that love with you!

To join the club you must,
1. Post a pic of your RIRS/Americans
2. Tell us their names and their favorite treat
3. Have fun!

Here are some of my RIR babies:

From left to right:
Lewey, Dumpling, Nugget, Egg, Dewey.

Here is my Americana baby Spice,

I think their favorite treat is mealworms

I have a mixed flock, one RIR named Benedict who is the friendliest of the five. She immediately runs up to me when I go out in the yard, follows me like a puppy, and may accidentally take a finger off if you hand feed grapes or tomato. :) I was told the whitish one next to her was an Ameraucana by the breeder, but I think she is just some kind of mutt!


Ameraucana is Lupe :p

The rest of the crew: Polly (polish), Yvette (cochin) and a buckeye who has yet to be named (most recent addition to the flock).

Benedict and Lupe will almost surely lay first, they are way redder than the others. So excited for eggs I can hardly stand it!

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