Rhodie is listless, tail feathers down

Today is Sunday, July 7th. 2013. Sonia passed away this afternoon at approximately 1PM PDT. I am writing this post to just let everyone know what symptoms Sonia developed.

She seemed to rally for a while after she got an antibiotic shot and Vitamin B on April 9th. However, as time went on, she developed a limp in her right leg. As we could tell, there was nothing wrong with her leg in terms of a break or something like that. I don't know this for a fact, but I think over time possibly fluid started to accumulate from laying internally which caused the limp to become severe to the point that she really could not walk anymore. She just dragged her leg.

We've kept her in a separate cage (big dog cage) and have nursed her along for these past months. This morning when I went to feed her and give her water, I heard a "rattle" as she was breathing. She flew out of her cage and just kind of laid in one spot all morning. Early this afternoon she flew across the area she was in and in a few moments was gone. We are very sad as we did everything we knew to do. We hope we kept her as comfortable as was possible.

We hope that communicating our observations may help someone else.

We thank everyone on this forum for their input.

Best regards,
I lost my golden seabright roo this morning. Noticed two days ago his tail feathers were down and he was limping alittle. I'm sure he was not bullied and he was still eating. Any ideas on what could have happened to him. I have no idea
Hi Howlingrose:

Did Roo have any other symptoms? Retaining fluid?

We just lost an Orp yesterday. Her stance was that of a penguin due to fluid retention. I have done so much research on this and have come up with a diagnosis of ascites. I am NOT a vet or medical person. But after reading in the Merck vet manual about ascites, I believe this is what she had. It seems to come from a pulmonary condition. We noticed that she would stick her neck in the air and open her beak to breathe. Over time it became worse. She injured her leg a couple of years ago and she had a limp when she ran, but she seemed fine for all of this time after the leg injury.

Thanks for responding Romanov.

No he did t have any other symptoms just looked kinda puffy and had a little limp and tail feathers down. It was very fast two days and he was gone will look up ascites thanks for the info
I have a Polish Crested bantam. Pass couple days not as active. Today she was feeling better. She ran me out their coop. We heard an odd noise and checked on them. She was sitting on top their laying boxes. She even let me pick her up and cuddle her. She is my 'guard' hen. I have seen her eat and drink. She does not lay often but last egg was perfect. I see all the suggestions and I plan on trying them out. Don't know of a vet in my area that deals with chickens. She is the loved by her hen mate and rooster . First time raising chickens and so loving it. But this little lady has my heart.
My Rhode Island is tail down. But eating, drinking and pooping. Crop not impacted. Back end feels fine. ugh. Put electrolytes in her water and now working out dosage of Duramycin - 10. I hate figuring out dosages. For goodness sakes I don't need a gallon a day!
Does anyone have an idea what might be wrong with her?
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my old english game rooster is having the same problems, very listless and tail feathers down. not sure if he is eating or not. i saw him drink a little bit earlier, but not a substantial amount. is there any way i can save him? he is my baby and i've been crying over him being so listless for the past hour. can anyone help?

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