RI red rooster yellow exudate

Dixie Chick

8 Years
Aug 19, 2012

Neighbors have been caring for my chickens while I was sick. Came home to this- poor guy isn’t eating and obviously looks pretty rough. All the hens have pasty butts too. No idea what to do for them, any help appreciated.
Since flies can be a problem, I would get the hens cleaned up with a soapy bath just to the vents, and trim any excess fluff. Have you had any respiratory disease in your flock in the past, or does the neighbor have chickens as well? Is the thick mucus coming from his beak or nostrils, and does he have any drainage from his eyes? His eye looks a little puffy. Is he sneezing or having noisy respirations? How does his crop feel—empty and flat, or full and hard or puffy? It would be good to know if he could have vomited because of a crop problem. Does his beak smell bad or sour?
Hi Eggcessive, thank you for responding! No respiratory issues ever, neighbor has no chickens. ;Mucous appears to be from his mouth, not nostrils or eyes. I believe I hear a slight wheeze on occasion which makes me wonder if he's not aspirated. Crop is empty and he's very weak today. Not eating but drank a good bit this morning. Didn't really notice any malodorous smells. I haven't seen his droppings, though am assuming since he's not eating he may not have much in the way of feces. He's thin and was very easy to catch. Normally he's a pistol, poor guy. I'm afraid he wont last much longer.
Is he drinking? Electrolytes or Poultry NutriDrench would be good for him. He might have some sort of respiratory issue where mucus is coughed up. I also would look inside his beak and throat for any mucus or yellow gunk or canker. If he has canker, he might not be able to swallow, and everything is coming back out. If you have a vet who could diagnose him quickly, you might be able to save him. Tube feeding him, if he cannot eat or drink, could give him some time to treat whatever is wrong.
Unfortunately no vets nearby who fool with chickens. I didn't see anything inside the beak. He won't open enough to see his throat. Will try the Nutridrench, should be able to find some at Tractor Supply . Really appreciate the help...we've had the boy for several years now, hate to lose him if I can help it.

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