RIP Babe :(


6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
King County, WA
We had this sweet chickie for only about 24 hours but I miss her so much
. We went to the feed store to pick up bedding for our other chicks and I saw this teeny tiny bantam on her back getting pecked at and run over by the other chicks. The workers didn't have time to care for her and I knew she didn't have much of a chance, but we decided to take her home and see what we could do. I kept her in a bandanna around my neck and gave her lots of Save-a-Chick and tried soft boiled egg yolk a few times. She tried so hard. She was so good about drinking water, but she couldn't stay awake and didn't move around much. She seemed to be getting stronger, peeping and moving in her box at night, but the next morning she was sleepy and limp again.

Here she is in the bandanna

I only had her outside for a second, but I wanted her to feel the warmth of the sunshine. I'm glad I did. This was a few hours before she died.

Here she is before we buried her. It was so sweet how she curled back up, almost like she was still in her egg. It's surprising how much I miss her. Poor little thing. It seems so unfair for them to work so hard to come into the world, just to leave it so soon. I'm glad we were able to keep her warm and safe and love her for her short time here.

My six year old daughter wrote her this poem:

Cluck Cluck Cluck
at the meadow's end
Cluck Cluck Cluck
says the chick at dusk

Winter is Cool and Summer is warm
but oh what a beautiful place Spring is.

Thanks for letting me share. Still processing.
At least she knew love from you....

So sorry that she did not survive despite your loving care - she will be in your heart forever.


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