RIP Big Guy

Omgosh, I just lost my chicken boy about six weeks ago. I still miss his sleepy 2 a.m. crows. Loved, loved that guy. I was so proud of him. I don't understand it sometimes the way the youngest and strongest end up dying. Yeah, I know what you mean about the grieving, people don't understand generally. They might understand dogs or cats but not chickens. I loved my rooster boy. I tried not to because I didn't want to jiinx him. I know what you are going through.

I've had a couple people offer their extra rooster and I can't bring myself to take one. I'd really just like to have HIM but maybe someday I'll run across another nice RIR. I've had several now and they've all been good boys. I almost scrambled to incubate some of his hen's eggs but didn't go through with it. You could do that and at least have one of his offspring. Anyway, I know it's so upsetting. Hang in there.
So Sorry for your loss.
I completely understand. I lost one of my favorite roos, Valentino, the end of April to a darn coyote
The barn just isn't the same without him. It's okay to grieve over our big boys....
Sorry for your loss. You may want to consider a gamefowl roo for your flock. After they get long spurs they can send even good sized dogs running with the tail between their legs.
If I try to introduce a gamefowl roo to my flock what problems am I likely to have? I had one that was in the first flock I raised which consisted of 17 roos and 6 hens. He was beautiful but a fighter, I did not keep him. How are they around people, kids, and would he likely kill a younger roo? ( I currently have 5 laying hens, 9 pullets that should start laying in a month or 2 and 1 docile BO roo of the same age.) He would have to spend some time time in quarantine in a coop suitable for 2 hens. Do they fight other roos to the death or only those who don't back off and submit?

I am really trying to figure out how to keep chickens here and give them a good quality of life, more access to grass and bugs (for my sake as well as theirs). I have a moveable 42 in electric fence but the house and attached run are not moveable and the area surrounding fixtures really limit how I can move that fence. It is also fairly easy for them to fly over the fence and clipping a wing has never solved that issue completely.

I also thought about banty games because of their grit but I would like to have meaty enough chickens to eat if I have broodies and excess roos. I am open to any and all suggestions. I have lost about a dozen chickens to predators in the last 13 months and multiple others in the 3-4 yrs I have had chickens. Those behind the fence are rarely the victims the exceptions were hawks and fence malfunction in dry weather.
When I can afford it I plan to get a 48 inch fence to put immediately around the housing area and use the 42 in to enlarge it in various directions.

I know I was fortunate to add a grown roo as nice as Big Guy was but I also know I need a roo or maybe a couple. Thanks again to everyone for the encouragement and suggestions.
A fox came today to my house as well. Right in the middle of the day when we were right here!! 2 of my favorite hens are missing, I hope they're hiding, but I suspect the fox got them too. One EE got chewed, she may make it, but I'm not sure. I've cleaned her up, but shes still shockey. Sorry for both our losses. Why is it that the favorites go first?
Raising roosters around each other makes no difference in their aggression towards each other. In my experience, it depends on the breed, some roosters are more docile than others within each breed also. It's a crapshoot really! Usually if there are plenty of hens to go around with a good ration of hens to roosters, this will help. Some roosters just can't help themselves and are always looking for a fight. Game bantams are no exception to this and do tend to be a little more feisty! I lost my best OEGB roo to a coon two weekends ago, he had incredible spurs and the attitude to back them up, didn't slow the coon down at all though! I find comfort in having 3 years of good service from him and knowing he was beyond his prime. He will be a tough replacement and is definitely missed! If you are going for a rooster to get along with your BO, it is not too likely a game bantam will work out for you. Though, the size is much different, I am convinced the game roosters have no fear! Good luck and sorry for your loss.
Yeah bantams are real bad but i had a couple of roos that i raised and wouldnt touch a rooster but let something like a coon come and they would tear that coon up but sadly they ran out of luck and met coyote
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OEGB are not big enough or game enough to protect a flock. Most times game roosters only fight when challenged. Docile roosters will keep their distance, but other game roosters will fight to the death. To handle a fox you would need a American Gamecock, or a Shamo something very game with size. I had a possum kill a hen and he almost got away with it until one of my games caught him. Four inch spurs left the possum bloody and hiding in a corner, I finished him off. Another thought is switching to a breed that can fly well such as the Sumatra a slightly more docile game breed.

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