RIP Big Tanker


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
I wanted to let those who knew and loved Nugget that his big son Tanker passed away in his sleep last night. I weighed his body and he was just over 32 pounds. We knew he wasn't normal because he grew so fast and got so massive, but he may have only had a few years but they were good ones!

Yep, 32 pounds. The last couple of weeks he's been slowing down, and I've had to hand deliver his treats. His girls (he couldn't mate, he never could) wouldn't leave his side and this morning all three girls and 2 chicks were sitting with him. I think they were mourning the big guy.
SO sorry to hear that you lost your huge boy.

He probably had a pituitary tumour producing Growth Hormone ( and suppressing the part dealing with sex hormones).

He looks lovely in life.

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