RIP my sweet Sarah

Very sorry for your loss - my chickens are my kids too, so I know how much it hurts to lose one.
And yes, I believe they go to heaven. I think if it eases your pain to believe that, then that's what you do.:hugs
If heaven is without my babies, then that’s not heaven to me for sure! They deserve more than us to go there ♥️
View attachment 1660055 View attachment 1660052 View attachment 1660049 View attachment 1660054 View attachment 1660056 View attachment 1660051 View attachment 1660060 Last May my sister in law had called me saying that she had just chased down a fox to get him to drop our rooster Earl which she was out looking for since he was laying down in the bushes by the creek by our house trying to hide from the fox. I rushed home just hoping and worrying about him and that he was okay. When I got there, I came home to almost all my turkeys, chickens, and ducks killed by a fox. Some of their bodies were still left scattered around the back yard. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I was literally heartbroken and broke right down hysterically losing it as soon as I saw them. I ran around calling for any of them that may be hiding or somewhere in a tree - I literally searched every inch of the property hoping someone was still alive. Luckily my drake Clyde had made it to his little box I lock him in at night to hide from the fox and was able to get away. Poor guy's beak was shredded and he was shaking like crazy all huddled back in the back. I was able to find Earl my rooster and he was just mainly shook up from it all and had a few cuts, but I fixed him up. As I was headed back to the house after getting Earl, my baby Turk (one of our poults) came running through the yard out of nowhere towards me chirping away. You wanna talk about meltdown? - Yup I had the biggest one when he ran into my arms. I literally didn't want to let go of him. I quickly took him inside to get him to a safe place and then headed back outside to start cleaning up the mess. Having to pick up these lifeless bodies of animals that were near and dear to my heart was awful. I wouldn't wish that even on my biggest enemy. So after all this one crazy thing happened - my hen that usually ALWAYS waited until after she ate to lay her egg. (Which I always fed them as soon as I got home.) Well, she laid an egg early that day. And that was the beginning of Sarah. I was the happiest girl when I found that egg. The best way to explain it was that she was my hope, when almost all my hope was gone. Yes the egg could have not had a chance in hell to even hatch but as soon as I got the egg in the house - straight in the incubator it went. Exactly 29 days later out hatched Sarah. She went to work with me literally the first few weeks of her life and even though she was a crazy little one, she had my heart instantly. She had this little beard that made her look amish and my husband said we had to name her Sarah because "that's the most amish girl name I can think of" LOL. Every day I would go out to the coop and she would come running up to me waiting for me to pick her up and swing her side to side saying "pretty girl, my pretty girl" and she would close her eyes and snuggle up to my face purring away. That's what I will miss the most. She was such a beautiful girl and I will miss her everyday I head out to the coop and she isn't there.

So last it's been 2 weeks of the ups and downs dealing with a prolapsed vent, and then her not eating, straining in pain, not acting like her crazy sassy self that I always loved. Early this morning, she left us. Ugh, the worst feeling is feeling so helpless when the only thing you want to do is just make your baby better. I feel like I failed her, and it kills me. I literally tried anything and everything I could do to help. Haven't eaten in days, been watching her on camera while I'm at work to make sure she's still alive, and staying up all night long scared to leave her. I told her last night before I finally was turning in for the night "pretty girl I'm so proud of you, you have been so strong, if you need to go, I understand - just promise momma you will be watching me from above that's all I ask" (she looked so out of it and shaking and I could tell she was trying so hard to just keep going for me - to make me proud.) You want to talk about hard ... that was a tough one. She only knew me when it came to a mom and I was lucky enough to call her one of my kids. I hate when people say "they're just birds, they're just a chicken" - no actually not. They're my kids. I hatch them, raise them, spends hours with them every day, so no they're not "just a chicken" they're family.

I know one thing I have been dealing with and contemplating a lot lately and that's the big question I think a lot of us are curious about ... do our animals go to Heaven? And my answer is I really hope so. Would Heaven really be Heaven without our dear friends? No way, at least to me it wouldn't be that's for sure. I hope you guys enjoy the story of her life and her pictures posted below. She can't and won't ever be replaced. Chickens like that leave a mark on you, and she will forever be in my heart. Momma loves you Sarah, more than you will ever know and I can't wait until the day I get to see you again and pick you up and sway you back and forth saying "pretty girl my pretty girl" while you look at me like I'm the most beautiful person in the world. Sarah - if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.
I lost my Blue Silkie Dustie from her being sad about us getting rid of her rooster. She starved herself to death. Also, I had a black tailed White Japanese rooster named Peep.

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