
In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2021
United States
We have a 2-year-old RIR hen who will constantly attack our 3 1/2-year-old male labrador retriever. I knew that RIR's were aggressive, but not this aggressive! It started small, she would peck at him if he got to close or tried to sniff at her. But then she started running up to him, to the point where she will chase him from halfway across the yard. Now, when we let the hens out to free-range, she will run up to him and start pecking at his neck. Thankfully he's got thick skin, and it doesn't hurt him too bad, but while he was trying to get away he accidentally stepped on her wing, causing her to squawk and run back into the run. She's fine, thank God, but I'm afraid something more serious might happen if this continues. Plus, it's causing our dog to hate going in the backyard, even when the hens are put away. He won't leave the porch, except to do his business and when we throw the ball to him. Our other RIR is nothing like this, she's great around people and avoids the dog. Does anyone have an idea on how to stop this?
I feel like the hen didn't think the dog was a threat, and therefore was abusing her power. Now that she realizes the dog CAN hurt her (even if s/he didn't mean to), she might not try and attack the dog anymore.

Let us know if she still attacks your dog, even after being stepped on.
I did have a RIR (Sparkle Girl) who would hide out of sight for this person who used to come to my house. Sparkle Girl knew the woman was scared of chickens. The woman would park at the end of my driveway and look around for Sparkle Girl. Not seeing her, she'd get out, lock her car, and start walking towards my house. This is when Sparkle Girl would come out of hiding and chase the woman into my house getting the door slammed in her face. So I guess, RIRs can be aggressive? I did hear of someone having to protect their German Shepherds from their chickens because the chickens wanted the dog's deer meat.
Your dog must be a saint. Mine would have had chicken dinner the second a chicken had run up to them.

If your hen decides to be a meanie butt again, blast her with a super soaker. It won't hurt her, but with any luck she won't like it and will blame it on the dog.

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