RIR is supposed to be a pullet, but I think it is looking and acting more roo like


Oct 3, 2015

I got several pullets at orschlins. I'm thinking this one fooled 'em. What do you think? 11 weeks old.
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I would have to say this posibbly is a rooster. Do you have any other RIR's to compare it to? I have 2. This one I believe is a rooster too. It is 14 weeks. With woddle and comb already. Only one of 13 birds with this distinction this far. Also loves to stand tall and pick on the others to include my older hens. Can anyone tell me if this is just an odd hen. I beleive it will be the "cheif" of the Coop.. thanks
As side on pic showing hackle and saddle feather areas may help.


Can we get a better pic of the head and comb? I'm thinking it's just a fast maturing pullet, I'd expect a lot more comb and color from a cockerel at this age. but it's hard to tell from the pic.

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