RIR owners! Anyone have pullet pics?


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
Eugene, Oregon
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I have some, but not on this computer. I can post them tomorrow. You can kinda see one in the last pic on my BYC page. I will upload a few for you tomorrow. Can you upload a pic of yours. Someone may be able to tell you the sex off one of your pics. Just make sure you get a good shot of the comb and waddles.
Absolutely, I actually am going to go and grab my charger in the car. I'll do it in a bit. Thanks for the reminder. Chicken wrangling was a bit of a chore tonight!
That is hysterical! I'm thinking I got duped into some roo's. I'm in the city and just can't do it. Hopefully we'll figure out what they are. Come back in a bit after I post some pic's. Thanks for all the help.
Here are a few pics of my RIRs. I was told they were pullets when we purchased them. They were a month old (at least) on Easter. The following pics were taken the following weekend. We were making a few improvements to the coop and they were enjoying the warm weather and sun.




None of them has developed a pink or red comb. And their waddles are still small and flesh colored. I hope that helps.
I'm pretty sure they're all pullets.
The RIR get bigger and redder before a lot of my other birds. In fact, when I got my first set of birds this year, I got what I *thought* was a RIR cockeral, but she was just a week older than the other obvious pullets! We thought she was a roo for several weeks! Her name is Rudy, shortened from Rupert. She knows her name, so we can't change it! LOL! We have a dog named Ruby, so that was out of the question.

My RIR is really sweet. You'll enjoy them!

Yeah, that is what we were told!
I am hoping that my pics help emilyweck. I don't have close-ups of their faces though. I also have 3 Golden Comets that have not fully feathered out yet and I was told they were girls too. Now I only wish I had a RIR roo of the same age!

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