I know my TSC gals are what I call "mystery reds", but I was wondering if any RIR peeps could help me decide if I have a roo or pullet on my hands. "Rosie" has a redder comb than the other two, but not bigger ....and she has started growng really pretty black/green tail feathers and she has a ring of dark feathers on her neck. I got the best pics I could. I was just hoping that in some cases or breeds pullets did get pretty tail feathers. So far the shape of her tail is the same as the other two, but she is also the boldest and bossiest of the flock., They are approx 3 months old. Any thoughts welcome. Thanks!
That tail is beautiful ! My Roosters tail grew much slower ! It's actually still quite small . However he is a EE mixed mutt. I hope it helps a bit and for your sake I hope my guess is correct as I understand a RIR Rooster is NO joke! One question where did you get your pullets ?
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Thanks for the info. I'm hoping she is just a pretty gal.... My daughter is attached to all the chickens, so it would be hard to explain why we couldn't keep a rooster. Time will tell. She/he was a very dark chick compared to her sisters.
That tail is beautiful ! My Roosters tail grew much slower ! It's actually still quite small . However he is a EE mixed mutt. I hope it helps a bit and for your sake I hope my guess is correct as I understand a RIR Rooster is NO joke! One question where did you get your pullets ?
I got the chicks from tractor supply. The one in question was darker than the others even as a chick. He/she is growing a very pretty tail and the ring of neck feathers are quite pretty too....hence my feeling she might be a roo. Time will tell.
Yes. I know they are red mutts. I was just curious if anyone who knew about RIRs could let me know if black/green tail feathers and a ring of neck feathers were ever seen in pullets or if it was a sure sign of a cockerel. Thank you.
immyjay54 on heritage Rhode Island Red thread is very nice. He is extremely knowledgable ! He breeds the pure RIR. He may help you and also has a web sight that answers many of the questions you and I have. He looked at my girl and predicted pullet. Good luck! Mutt or not we all enjoy our flocks:))
Yes. I know they are red mutts. I was just curious if anyone who knew about RIRs could let me know if black/green tail feathers and a ring of neck feathers were ever seen in pullets or if it was a sure sign of a cockerel. Thank you.
darkest pullet was also a very dark red pullet. She also has a bit of black feathering in tail but nothing around her neck.
immyjay54 on heritage Rhode Island Red thread is very nice. He is extremely knowledgable ! He breeds the pure RIR. He may help you and also has a web sight that answers many of the questions you and I have. He looked at my girl and predicted pullet. Good luck! Mutt or not we all enjoy our flocks:))
Thanks for the tips. I love mutts off all kinds...dogs cats... chickens. whatever. Usually healthy and awesome. I just hope he/she is a nice Roo and a quiet one so we can keep him if he is indeed a him.
I agree
Thanks for the tips.  I love mutts off all kinds...dogs cats... chickens. whatever. Usually healthy and awesome.  I just hope he/she is a nice Roo and a quiet one so we can keep him if he is indeed a him.
[/quote I agree my rule of thumb is to always get the runt and our family welcomes mutts with arms open! We all have a heart beating. I did come across a thread a time ago about keeping roosters quiet. Not sure if it's humane ? We have been lucky so far our guy is quite. I better knock on wood. Take care!

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