
Feb 19, 2023
Plainview, Arkansas
My name is Michelle. I grew up with chickens, but that was over 40 years ago, and I'm excited to be able to have chickens again.
When I was growing up, a chicken was a chicken and most people had Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. We had a few of those black Bantam's and those were my favorites, but then again, I was a kid and they were so small and pretty. ☺️

My husband and I just purchased 7 chicks, and 2 laying hens from a local farmer and friend of the family. She has a Rhode Island Red Rooster and her hens are RIRs, Barred Rocks, and Sex Links. The two hens we are taking off her hands is a RIR and a Black Australorp. She wound up with the Black Australorp by fluke and didn't want her mixed in with her flock. So, I'm getting her, and am so happy to have her. The chicks we got from her include 1-RIR, 2-Sex Links, 3-Red Rocks (RIR + Barred Rock Hen (hopefully, that's what you call them these days,) and a chick from the Black Australorp, which from what I read is called a Rhode Island Blue and, boy, is she pretty! I can't wait to see what she's going to look like when she grows up. She's very curious and friendly too. One of the Red Rocks hatched last Monday, but all the rest of them hatched on Valentine's Day, which I think it pretty awesome.

We live in a rural retirement community on a lake and last month, we determined that our place is large enough for 10 chickens. So, we purchased a mobile chicken coop/pen that is 8x4. But, since then, actually just a day ago, we decided to turn our greenhouse into a chicken coop and well, now, I think we can add 10 more. I believe they call that "Letting the chicken math get the best of you!" 🤣

My husband and I both enjoy hunting and fishing together, and I enjoy sewing, quilting, and machine embroidery. He retired at 46 y/o, but I am still working full-time, but from home, which is wonderful.

We have a 13 y/o BoxSet (Boxer/Basset) mixed-breed fur-baby who is right at 100 lbs. He's spoiled rotten! So much so that when I cook for us, I also cook a plate for him too. 🙃

I found this site in a Google search a couple of weeks ago and when I realized exactly what it was, I found myself coming here instead of any of the Facebook groups I joined. I really am trying to get away from FB and I LOVE that this community is an online community of people from all sorts of places. I look forward to learning from everyone and sharing what I've learned as well. :frow


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My name is Michelle. I grew up with chickens, but that was over 40 years ago, and I'm excited to be able to have chickens again.
When I was growing up, a chicken was a chicken and most people had Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. We had a few of those black Bantam's and those were my favorites, but then again, I was a kid and they were so small and pretty. ☺️

My husband and I just purchased 7 chicks, and 2 laying hens from a local farmer and friend of the family. She has a Rhode Island Red Rooster and her hens are RIRs, Barred Rocks, and Sex Links. The two hens we are taking off her hands is a RIR and a Black Australorp. She wound up with the Black Australorp by fluke and didn't want her mixed in with her flock. So, I'm getting her, and am so happy to have her. The chicks we got from her include 1-RIR, 2-Sex Links, 3-Red Rocks (RIR + Barred Rock Hen (hopefully, that's what you call them these days,) and a chick from the Black Australorp, which from what I read is called a Rhode Island Blue and, boy, is she pretty! I can't wait to see what she's going to look like when she grows up. She's very curious and friendly too. One of the Red Rocks hatched last Monday, but all the rest of them hatched on Valentine's Day, which I think it pretty awesome.

We live in a rural retirement community on a lake and last month, we determined that our place is large enough for 10 chickens. So, we purchased a mobile chicken coop/pen that is 8x4. But, since then, actually just a day ago, we decided to turn our greenhouse into a chicken coop and well, now, I think we can add 10 more. I believe they call that "Letting the chicken math get the best of you!" 🤣

My husband and I both enjoy hunting and fishing together, and I enjoy sewing, quilting, and machine embroidery. He retired at 46 y/o, but I am still working full-time, but from home, which is wonderful.

We have a 13 y/o BoxSet (Boxer/Basset) mixed-breed fur-baby who is right at 100 lbs. He's spoiled rotten! So much so that when I cook for us, I also cook a plate for him too. 🙃

I found this site in a Google search a couple of weeks ago and when I realized exactly what it was, I found myself coming here instead of any of the Facebook groups I joined. I really am trying to get away from FB and I LOVE that this community is an online community of people from all sorts of places. I look forward to learning from everyone and sharing what I've learned as well. :frow
Welcome to BYC!!

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