Rockin egg in bator??


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Feb 28, 2007
South Eastern Indiana
OK, my eggs are due...the of them is just a rockin! Does that mean it will hatch soon? Could I be off by a day or two? How long before it should hatch, if its rockin??? Ohhh the suspense id just eating away at me!! AHHH!
I cant stand the suspense!!
Hatch little ones..hatch!! This is my FIRST time incubating eggs....I soooo hope they make it. I am afraid to candle them, I dont want to touch them for fear Iwill kill them. UGH!!
Tomorrow I am going to get a REAL incubator...a friend is selling me a Hova turner, no fan...but extra wafers?? Anyways..he said he has had it plugged in for 2 days, works fine...its an extra for him. Anyways, i am getting it for $50.00. Good deal?? I cant waite to put some frizzles in there....Ohhh boy, another 21 days!!
He said I get the hydrometer.therm as well. Woohoo!
Hope they hatch for you!

$50 for a used still air incubator is actually a pretty bad deal. You should be able to buy one new cheaper than that, sad to say.
Awww ,man...and I thought I was getting a good deal. darnit! Figures I would be the one getting had...oh well...I cant seem to locate a used one anywhere...or a new one for anywhere close to that! UGH.
I think the wafers have to do with the thermastat and that is a good thing to have. So it may be worth the $50 for everything but not really much of a deal. But you probaby are not being overcharged?? By the time you add the hygrometer and wafers.

Wafers...yeah....he said there are several brand new ones...and he has the books on it as well....which is great, because I have NO idea how to use one. My little styrofoam one is working so far...but I know I lost a few far, one rocking, out of 10 UGH! Just watching and waiteing for now


Yeah, but the $42 one sucks, says some.

-shrug- I just went and made my one plywood one. The bad part was making bad measurements, and having to go and buzzsaw a new base, and chop off bits and bits of the egg tray holder thing, and, and, and!! RWAR.

But it's done.

And I's only got ten more days....................... ARGH! HATCH, GOSHDARNIT!

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