Roeun gone limp with tremors


silent stalker
10 Years
Nov 1, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
My daughter is raising Rouen ducks at noon today I made the rounds before running to town, everyone and everything was good. An hour and a half later, we get home and find Ron down and not moving. He is completely limp, but with some tremors. We brought him inside and my daughter is offering him water about every 10 minutes. He is sipping very little. She is holding him. The bird vet 45 mins away can't get him in until tomorrow morning, but I am afraid he won't last that long.

Ron is one of 4 ducks at the moment. All are 6 weeks old. I mix brewers yeast with their food. They have a 5 gallon waterer. And a self contained run and coop inside our larger chicken run, until they are bigger. No injuries no coop breaches. Other ducklings are fine. Checked for flies. No maggots in him or open sores. Though it is time for new fly traps in the run. Any suggestions?

Her cat already managed to kill one duckling and she was devastated as these are more her pets/babies than any of our other pets/4H animals/etc.
If you can get to TSC or a store that sells human vitamins I’d go ASAP and get Liquid B complex vitamins these are large ducks and need the extra niacin and what we have seen is once b complex is given they rebound pretty quick and the tremors is classic for niacin deficiency. If you get to TSC go to cattle dept and it will say injectable but we use it orally for our birds. 1ml per duckling if human b complex liquid will be 3 ml per duckling since it isn’t as concentrated.
this is it!

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