Roman Tufted Geese - Problem?

Not sure if it's been posted previously, but it sounds like, to me anyway, you have two separate flocks, and they don't want to become one.

My ducks are similar, but the newbies were outnumbered for a long time, so they have more or less integrated.
I saw these geese for the first time last month at a chicken sale. I fell in love with them. Unfortunately the guy sold them. I am looking for some. But want to do some research first. I have 2 black and tan coon hounds and wonder if the geese would be okay with the dogs. What are your thoughts? Cynthiajean
I saw these geese for the first time last month at a chicken sale. I fell in love with them. Unfortunately the guy sold them. I am looking for some. But want to do some research first. I have 2 black and tan coon hounds and wonder if the geese would be okay with the dogs. What are your thoughts? Cynthiajean
Geese have to be taught that Dogs should not be picked on, lol Geese are big bullies. I have 5 dogs and my geese and dogs can't be together unless i am with them, the geese just can't understand that dogs will only take so much. My dogs are afraid of the geese but my mixed breed did go after my gander when he popped her butt. So it's a challenge but can be worked out as long as you are willing to work at it. But I would never leave my geese and dogs alone without supervision. Geese maybe bullies but they have no way to really protect themselves from an animal that has teeth.

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