Roo and dog, tag-team on a hawk.

Captain Carrot

8 Years
Jan 25, 2011
Both my cockerel and my dog earned their keep today.

We had an attack from a hawk today, not sure of the species. It was about the same size of my hens.
It swooped down and grabed one of my hens, only three meters (9-10 feet) away from me. I was about to give it a good kick, when Carrot my Altsteirer cockerel flew at the hawk, jumped on top of it and basicly gave it a beating. My dog came running over, probably because of all the noise Carrot and I where making. The hawk tried to escape, but both Carrot and Luna chased it over my field and finished it off.

Token Black, the hen who was attacked spent the rest of the day under a bush. She wouldn't let me near her. I've just had a look at her while she was roosting. She's missing a few feathers on her neck and shoulders, and has a cut on her comb. I'll keep an eye on her cut, and keep it clean, she'll be ok though.

I'm proud of both of them tonight.
Terry Pratchet, comic fanatsy author. Captain Carrot is an officer in the Ankh-Morpork city watch.

EDIT: I think you mean Token Black, I see the South Park reference now. She's the only black hen in the flock, so she's the token black hen, like when TV shows add a black character to show they're not racist.
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Terry Pratchet, comic fanatsy author. Captain Carrot is an officer in the Ankh-Morpork city watch.

Actually, I meant "Token Black"

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