Roo?? Help Please...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 25, 2014
I have an EEer that I suspect is a Rooster, hopefully someone can help here.

His comb is much wider than all the other I have. I have 17 other EEers...
Thank you for any help....
You don't mention the age of the birds, but...
IMHO, I am not seeing any of the telltale signs of a rooster in that bird - no pointed hackle feathers, no saddle feathers. It may just be that it is pullet that is closer to laying than the others. They all mature at individual rates because they are individuals.
Sorry, I can't tell by the pictures, but check his feathers. If his saddle and hackle feathers are pointed, and if he has long tail feathers coming on, he's a boy. Opposite, you have a hen.
Sorry they are 8 weeks old. The main thing Im concerned with is the size (width) of the comb. The others have a single, and she/he has a triple.
Sorry they are 8 weeks old. The main thing Im concerned with is the size (width) of the comb. The others have a single, and she/he has a triple.

The comb size wouldn't worry me so much - technically easter eggers are mutts, so the wide comb could be the result of which breeds were used to create the mix.
If they are just 8 weeks old what would worry me is the redness that is already apparent in the comb. I have looked at your pics several times and I still see no evidence of pointed hackle (neck) feathers or saddle feathers, in fact the hackles look pretty rounded. I'm sorry, but I think it's still too early to tell on a mixed breed like an EE.
If its 8 weeks old, you wont see any pointed saddle or hackle feathers yet, those dont usually grow in until 12-14 weeks old. If its coloring gets more patchy then it is probably male. Its current coloring is borderline patchy, so just keep an eye out on that until is older, when its the age to be growing in possible hackle and saddle feathers that are pointy.

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