Roo or Hen


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 29, 2012
N. Texas
I do not know breeds or exact ages, but i would guess all are under 6 months... Can you please tell me wheather the chickens are Roos or Hens? if you would like you can guess on breeds as well...
I gave two examples/pictures of each chicken in question. please give your opinion and reason why you chose the gender you chose. I want to learn.

all of them are roosters except for the white one on the bottom (white leghorn). the roosters have saddle feathers, spurs, bigger curly tail feathers,bigger combs than hens, thicker legs then hens, and are larger than the hens.
all are roos for above reason not sure on the last white one but its not a leghorn, they have yellow legs
the white and black with yellow legs looks like a barred rock
the orange with black tail looks like a new hampshire

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