Roo Question

Clay In Iowa

11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
Near Wilton Iowa
Are some roos just stupid or what???

I have a roo that challenges me every time I walk into the coop. He lowers his head flares his hackles and stomps till one of two things happens.

A) He jumps on me and get's a good smack down


B) I just flat out kick him in the head.

He is the dominant roo. I call him the "head guy" because I have to kick him in the head to get him to leave me alone. Will he ever learn or do I have to kick him every day for the rest of his every shortening life?

This is also the roo that cornered my 4 year old and tore him up.

Hmmm what to do??????
Sounds like Soup to me! Or it is hot, maybe chicken Salad
Thanks ddawn,

I keep roos for the sole purpose of being cannon fodder. This roo is doing what a roo should do. I just don't want a power struggle every time I walk into the coop. He is slowly learning. He gives me a slightly wider birth then he did a few weeks ago. And with out knowing it I've been doing what rooster-red suggests to a point. Head guy no more than makes an aggressive move and he is immediately smacked. He even looks at me funny and his next thought is ..... "I'm batman"........ Aunti Em? We're not in Kansas any more......

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