Roo walking weird

Okay so I've got it all except the last are pics of the roo who walks funny and the last is a hen who also walks like the roo my other roos beak is okay I checked it and my legbar roos spurs have been trimmed since but not enough I'd say the feet look good maybe a tiny scrap here and there I dont know if it's normal or not @ the top of his legs are carnucles I also trimmed everyones toenails and I did check their crops some were empty then there were some that weren't of course I checked them right after they went up to roost so it was probably too early... with the castor oil do I need to do another application or how will I know if they're cured?
The redness at the top of the legs, to me is concerning. Does the hen's look similar?
If you have vet care, that is best.

You may want to trim the feathers away so you can get a better look at that to see what's going on and if there are more spots like that further up on his body/thighs.

I would at the very least apply triple antibiotic ointment to the red areas, it could be start of infection.
The leg scales don't look too bad, you can put the castor oil on once a week for a couple of weeks.

Me too.
I was just gonna copy and circle that area, glad I read thru first ;)
I've seen something like the redness a few times here on BYC. A couple stand out that I remember, one was infected feather follicles, the other was cancer....both chickens were seen by an Avian Vet for diagnosis.

I do think that there can be other causes (aren't there always other causes), but that stilted walking has me a bit puzzled.

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