roo with black line running through comb


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2020
also lethargic and loosing feathers...lowered tail...any ideas greatly appreciated


  • 20210317_081525.jpg
    426.1 KB · Views: 8
I am not sure what is happening to him but here is a bump, hang on someone on here will help direct you in the right direction.
gone down to around -17 with the windchill only one day....either than that around -5....dont think that explains the other symptoms though....thanks
Is he drinking fluids and eating? His tail may be lowered because he feels bad or is dehydrated. I agree, that appears to be frostbite. It will take some time before you see how much damage there will be. His comb could heal, or possibly become more rounded off. Try getting him to eat a warm mash of feed, mixed with water and scrambled egg bits. Try to warm him if he is cold.

What do his poops look like? How are his feet looking? Is there any discoloration?
havent seen any poops...feet seem a bit swollen...he is drinking...this is his back where the feathers are coming out..just went out to take this pic of his back...very lethargic..


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