Roo?!? Yay or nay?


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2017
North Carolina
Silver lace Wyandotte is now 9 weeks old. Also picked up on bullying the smaller one in the flock of 5. Not sure if it's an pullet or a roo (1st time chicken mom). Please help.



No! That is a cockerel. Look at the standing of the chick.
And it is turning much too early red in the face.
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See that's the thing I think cockerel as well because it's been much more redder and developed in its comb and waddles way before the others. And has always been much larger. Last week we lost our smallest one of the group. No clue what happened just found her dead in the am in the coop. Now his one pictured is being a bully to the next smallest.
A cockerel would have patchier feathering and her face is not very red. A cockerel would have a bigger comb at this age and her 'stand' looks pretty normal to me.
A cockerel would have patchier feathering and her face is not very red. A cockerel would have a bigger comb at this age and her 'stand'  looks pretty normal to me.

What would be the normal age then that I would know for sure? About how many weeks or months? We were told they were all female when we got them and I knew there was a chance even then that they may not all be. This one just seems to be very aggressive/mean recently. Our Rhode Island Red is usually the boss of the group but like I said recently this one has been picking and bullying the smaller ones of the group. Mind you they're all the same age and bought the same day.
The pink is there but the growth is too tiny
At her age her comb color will go off and on,her body is preparing for laying and isnt sure what to do.Lotd of pullets around 3 and 4 months tend to do this.

Honestly,kust give it 2 or 3 more weeks,by then tou should notice some saddle feathering,then you will be sure of its sex.
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Please post again about the final gender. I would really like to know who is right.
My feeling told me boy, but for you i would likely be mistaken.

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