Roos are leaving - what to expect from hens???

Pollo Posada

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
Mount Airy, MD
Hello everyone!

I have three 4-month old cockerels that are going to a new home today. I will be keeping only hens. The 4 hens are used to hanging out and free ranging with these 3 cockerels. Obviously that is too many roos for 2 hens so some had to go. We are getting rid of all of them because of the noise/neighbors, etc.

My question is this: should I expect any negative reactions from the hens? Will there be any transition effects that I should look out for or will they act like nothing happened?

Our girls arefine... We had 3 roos and one by one we got rid of them, now we have noe. They freerange was well... One of my hens has started making a sort of honking noise... SInce the last cockerel left.. LOL I am not sure if she's trying to crow
but egg production has not slowed at all.

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