Roo's eye is closed


12 Years
Jul 30, 2007
My little roo who came down with a respitory infection resently, but now he looks great. He's starting to crow and hes really active, but his eye won't open up. Is he still sick?
Everyday since he first got sick me and my grandpa have been going over his eye with a wash cloth and warm water. There are no crusts but he just can't open it. Do they sell saline solution at walmart?
Walmart probably has saline solutions for contacts but you could make your own. Put 1/4tsp of salt into a quarter of water and bring to a good boil to make sure it is sterile. Be sure to cool it down before you use it though. You should make it fresh each time.

Does his eye just not open because he chooses not to open it? Is his eye still in there?
Thank you so much! The last time he opened it was about 4 days ago and when I go over his eyelid he starts struggling like it hurts him.

The man at the pet store said that he will probibly go blind.
He still has a respiratory infection, the eye is an indicator of this

He will need different medication this time, as he has probably built up an immunity to the last lot you gave him, and you will need to give it longer, when he looks fine keep on giving the medication for an extra 4 days

Sometimes they look like they are over the problem when they aren't and when it comes back it usually hits harder

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