Roost height, ramp… IE one silkie


Oct 30, 2023
Central MA
My roost is highish (40 inches) I wanted the floor room beneath for sq footage in the coop because it’s on the smaller side for our bird/sq ft ratio. We are building a ramp but I’m concerned about our single silkie. She was one of a pair, her friend died. I know they don’t always roost but she does try to roost with her sisters in the brooder (I have a mini roost) and she often fights for the top row. Will she be able to climb the ramp if she wants to? I’m just worried if she’s already smaller and then left out that they might peck or hurt her. she won’t have any silkie friends to pile up with if not.
Yes but that wouldn’t leave room for a poop shelf, which I wanted and they need to be higher than nesting boxes which Storey’s guide says should be 18-20 inches off the floor, which I’ve been following.

I guess my question is can silkies walk a ramp at a 30-45 degree angle like other Chickens? I’m assuming so. I’m probably overthinking it.
I like the roosts to be high enough that the chickens can't peck the feet of other chickens when they are on the roost. My juveniles often go to the roosts to get away from the bullying hens when they are locked in the coop. But that's just a personal preference.

Some nests are on the coop floor, some up a lot higher. That 18-20" was Storey's personal preference. Funny how personal preferences become so ingrained into chicken law. I would not change nest height since they are built.

my question is can silkies walk a ramp at a 30-45 degree angle like other Chickens? I’m assuming so. I’m probably overthinking it.
Yes they can if they want to.

If you need help overthinking something just let me know. I can usually help with that.
I like the roosts to be high enough that the chickens can't peck the feet of other chickens when they are on the roost. My juveniles often go to the roosts to get away from the bullying hens when they are locked in the coop. But that's just a personal preference.

Some nests are on the coop floor, some up a lot higher. That 18-20" was Storey's personal preference. Funny how personal preferences become so ingrained into chicken law. I would not change nest height since they are built.

Yes they can if they want to.

If you need help overthinking something just let me know. I can usually help with that.
I think that’s what I struggle so hard with, I obviously want to rock this chicken mama gig, hardcore and there are so many schools of thought.

My roosts are installed but the nesting boxes aren’t. We didn’t prioritize those super high because they’re only 7 weeks old and we still have safety issues to contend with before they go outside.
I like the roosts to be high enough that the chickens can't peck the feet of other chickens when they are on the roost. My juveniles often go to the roosts to get away from the bullying hens when they are locked in the coop. But that's just a personal preference.

Some nests are on the coop floor, some up a lot higher. That 18-20" was Storey's personal preference. Funny how personal preferences become so ingrained into chicken law. I would not change nest height since they are built.

Yes they can if they want to.

If you need help overthinking something just let me know. I can usually help with that.
This is the current set up. I did them all the same height, I was contending with the vents being on the two walls that differ in height but wanting the girls to have 12 inches of roost space, each, optional. I have 84 total inches of roost space, 3 roosts.

I will admit, I would change some things that we did design wise with the coop specs. My husband is a contractor and built it like a contractor but didn’t think of the chicken parts of it. It was hard for me to explain certain things to him that made sense to him.

I have 30 inches above the roost on the shorter wall and I have more on the higher wall, I think maybe like 20 more inches? The roosts are at 40ish inches and the poop deck is 32 inches up. The silkie could definitely bed down under the poop deck in the nook under there if she chooses.

Also, as an aside, I measured, cut, and installed the roosts and poop deck myself and I am not great at building yet so I’m super proud!

I do plan to possibly cover the vent side on the back closest to the roost if need be in the winter.


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I was thinking of putting a light layer of sand or used coffee grounds and scooping it or, maybe like a wallpaper scraper if I leave it bare?
Oh, this is the 2.5' wide coop?
Not much room for a ramp.
How deep is that poop board?
How will you reach the back of it, or can you get at it from the other end?

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