Rooster’s eye and implications


Jul 2, 2023
Hello - I have nine chickens (1 rooster and 8 hens) as well as three runner ducks in an adjacent pasture.

Thursday evening I noticed the rooster had a little foamy discharge in his right eye. The next morning he seemed fine but mid day I saw it again and isolated him in a crate in the garage.

Seemingly no other symptoms, respiratory or otherwise. So far the other birds seem fine as well. I’ve read about some of the possibilities including mycoplasma. He’s still eating, drinking, and crowing. His poop is normal. Today his eye seemed fine. I find myself at a point of indecision with him. Is there a test that can be done (at the vet) to see if he has or had that bacterial infection? I’m under the impression the incubation period is kind a big range so not sure how long to give it and I hate to keep him locked away from the flock too long. If it was or is myco, is it a moot point by now? Anyone have any experience with this conundrum? I suppose best case it was a scratch or debris in his eye but I can’t tell by looking at him. Any insight would be appreciated.
It could be an injury from pecking or something in the eye. If it is a sign of MG, the others have already been exposed so it should not be necessary to isolate him. I would flushe the eye with saline or eye wash, and apply either Terramycin or plain Neosporin twice a day to the eye. There is testing available from Zoologix or possibly from your state vet lab if you contact them.

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