Rooster and drake fertility


Mar 5, 2023
I've been on this site frequently but just joined so I could ask a specific question. Has anyone else noticed a major decrease in fertile eggs? Our hens have had a total of four roosters, some are young, right at a year old. One is our old reliable, but who is getting old. Our duck hens have a total of three drake's. All in their prime It's spring and the males have been REALLY busy.

I had over ten dozen chix and duck eggs accumulated over a month to scramble and freeze for dog food yesterday. I had a good opportunity to see each one as it was added to the cooking pan. Out of the ten dozen there were only four individual eggs that were fertile. We were trying to clear out the older eggs to ensure fresh eggs for the incubator. But seems hardly with the effort with so few fertilized eggs. I did just read an article that Tyson just replaced all their roosters for low fertility.

Our birds had been eating nature's best organic but, b/c of inflation/economic challenges, we changed to producer's pride from tractor supply. We noticed the same decrease egg count others wrote about, but attributed it to the weather. We have never had this problem before. I'd love to hear any suggestions anyone else may have or knowledge to share.

Thank you for your time:)
get a breeder ration. It costs more, but then your incubator costs will be well spent instead of wasted on infertile eggs.
Thank you for responding!
When you say breeder ration - do you mean layer pellets? Or is there something different?
When you say breeder ration - do you mean layer pellets? Or is there something different?

Chick starter has higher nutrition than layer pellets (more protein, more of a few other important things as well.)

So an easy way to improve nutrition for your flock is to switch to chick starter. ("Improve" as compared with feeding layer pellets-- I don't know what you're actually feeding.)

The only special thing for laying hens is the amount of calcium. Providing a separate dish of oyster shell, so the hens can eat it when they choose, is usually a good way to deal with that.

"Flock Raiser" type feeds can work well too. Sometimes they are hard to find or have higher prices, which is why I mention chick starter as an option. Almost every feed store sells chick starter.

Layer pellets are meant to have enough calcium for laying hens (more than other chickens need), while having the lowest possible amounts of any ingredient that is expensive (such as protein)

I might aim for about 20% protein (common in chick starters and all-flock feeds, but read labels to be sure.)
Chick starter has higher nutrition than layer pellets (more protein, more of a few other important things as well.)

So an easy way to improve nutrition for your flock is to switch to chick starter. ("Improve" as compared with feeding layer pellets-- I don't know what you're actually feeding.)

The only special thing for laying hens is the amount of calcium. Providing a separate dish of oyster shell, so the hens can eat it when they choose, is usually a good way to deal with that.

"Flock Raiser" type feeds can work well too. Sometimes they are hard to find or have higher prices, which is why I mention chick starter as an option. Almost every feed store sells chick starter.

Layer pellets are meant to have enough calcium for laying hens (more than other chickens need), while having the lowest possible amounts of any ingredient that is expensive (such as protein)

I might aim for about 20% protein (common in chick starters and all-flock feeds, but read labels to be sure.)
Thank you so much!!
I will give it to the flock tonight:)
i dont know about all this ive heard lately, i never really noticed a decrease in egg production, but i do free roam my chickens .. the last batch of eggs i inc'ed did have alot of duds, but its been cold and winter to, see what happens as the actual weather gets more 'springy' over the next several weeks before i jump on the 'theres something in the feed' wagon train ..

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