Rooster Attack out of the blue!

Beekissed's article is terrific, but you do have a big problem, and making excuses for his behavior won't improve the situation. He knew who you are, and decided to take you on big time, and it won't be an isolated incident. He's dangerous!!!
I hope your leg isn't getting infected, and that your tetanus vaccinations are up to date.
I have had a couple of cockbirds who decided to become man fighters at his age, and neither bird reformed or became safe. Your bird needs to be gone! Crockpots are wonderful things, and soup stock is terrific.
Beekissed's article is terrific, but you do have a big problem, and making excuses for his behavior won't improve the situation. He knew who you are, and decided to take you on big time, and it won't be an isolated incident. He's dangerous!!!
I hope your leg isn't getting infected, and that your tetanus vaccinations are up to date.
I have had a couple of cockbirds who decided to become man fighters at his age, and neither bird reformed or became safe. Your bird needs to be gone! Crockpots are wonderful things, and soup stock is terrific.
I agree, and if it were my rooster, he'd be gone. I really don't have the patience to put up with the behavior when I know there are other roosters in the world.
I really don't think it's as serious as others are stating.
Don't turn your back to him and chase him off if he gets into your space. My Rooster is great. Although I never trust him. He respects my space as I respect him too.
They joys of Male livestock. Never fully trust them.
Best wishes..:highfive:
I really don't think it's as serious as others are stating.
Don't turn your back to him and chase him off if he gets into your space. My Rooster is great. Although I never trust him. He respects my space as I respect him too.
They joys of Male livestock. Never fully trust them.
Best wishes..:highfive:
Oh, it can be serious right enough; I have a couple scars to prove it.
Well, since this was a first offense, I'll see how it goes. I'm hoping it was just a lapse in judgement on his part, but if it's an overall behavior change I will have to make some decisions on our future together.
My rooster, Kono, is almost two years old. He has never acted aggressively towards me, but yesterday, out of nowhere, he came up behind me and spurred the crap out of my leg! Of course, I was wearing shorts (it was 85 yesterday) and have two bloody cuts on my leg! What gives? Is this likely to continue? I yelled at him and threw the only thing I could grab, which was a starfruit that was on the ground. I have good aim and he got a solid hit to the head but he didn't run away. It was just about dark so we had a stand off until he got up on top of the coop where he sleeps. For those of you with rooster experience, is he turning into a jerk? Or just a random moment of aggresssion?

Not one, but two bloody cuts on the leg?? What a cock.

Sorry, couldn't resist. Hope the cuts heal fast.

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